
Thursday, June 20, 2013


When I write I release something within me.
When I write I free something inside.
                             I get drawn in by the words.
                             Wrapped up in the flow.
                             It's enchanting.
                             I can't seem to stop.
When I write I give a piece of myself to that paper
                                                  or that napkin
                                   or that bulletin
When I write I become honest in every sense of the word.
           I can all of a sudden express myself.
           Somehow I find words for my feelings.
           I give that paper
                           a memory
                                 or a feeling
                                        or a glimpse of my heart.
When I write I lose myself.
When I write I find myself.
                     Time escapes me.
                     My attention is focused.
                     Mind caressed by a steady stream of words and phrases.
                     Heart seduced by the beautiful rhythmic flow I somehow create.
When I write I communicate.
    Though oftentimes no one's on the other end.
    It's how I do it best.
    I can tell you what I think.
    I can point out right from wrong
                                     and left from right.
    Things come together like puzzle pieces finding their mate.
    It makes sense.
When I write everything else fades away.
When I write nothing else matters.
                                         It's just the paper and I
                                         And sometimes I think it's listening.
                                         Taking in my every cry.
                                         Taking in every detail of my thoughts.
         Maybe it cries with me.
                Maybe it bleeds with me.
                     Maybe it relives every memory with me.
                            Maybe it longs to comfort me.
                                         But the paper just listens.
                                         It always listens.
                                         Even when no one else will.
When I write I have a voice.
When I write I am heard.
     No one stops me
                     or corrects me
                                 or tries to fix me
                                            or tells me what's wrong
                               or what I need to do
There are no interruptions.
   It's a pure release.
When I write I can sing.
When I write I can dance.
When I write I can paint.
           My words paint a picture.
           My font dances on the paper.
           I play with it.
           Change it.
When I write I can own it.
                                 This is mine.
                                 These words are my own.
                                          This is my story.
                                 No one can take this from me.
When I write I can see.
When I write I am free.

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